

10.15 Temperature test MST 21 温度测试

10.15.1 Purpose目的

This temperature test is designed to determine the maximum reference temperatures for

various components and materials used to construct the PV module, in order to verify the

suitability of their use.


The test can be performed under natural sunlight or by use of a solar simulator with a cold



10.15.2 Outdoor method 户外方法 Test apparatus测试装置

•  A black painted platform constructed of a suitable wooden plate that has sufficient

mechanical strength to avoid warping under temperature influence. Behind the board a

thermal insulation with a U value of less than 0,5 W/(m⋅K) shall be placed.

用合适的木板建造的黑色油漆平台,有足够的机械强度避免在温度影响下翘曲。在平板后面应放置一个U值小于0.5 W保温/(m⋅K)的热绝缘体。

•  A pyranometer or PV reference device conforming to IEC 60904-2 mounted in the plane of

the structure within 30 cm of the test PV module.

符合IEC 60904-2的辐照计或PV标准电池安装在平板上,距测试PV组件30厘米内。

•  Instruments to measure wind speed down to 0,25 m/s installed approximately 0,7 m above

the top of the platform.测量风速的仪表安装在平台顶部上方0.7米处,风速小于0,25 m/s

•  An environmental temperature sensor, with a time constant equal to, or less than, that of

the PV module, installed in a shaded enclosure with good ventilation. The sensor shall be

placed left or right of the platform so that no thermal interference can occur.



•  A temperature monitoring system capable of measuring PV module component

temperatures with accuracy of ±2 K.

一种可测量PV组件的温度监测系统,温度精度为±2 K

•  A data acquisition system capable of recording the parameters within an interval of no

more than 5 s.


•  Maximum power point tracking device or a resistive load sized such that at STC the PV

module operates near the maximum power point.

最大功率点跟踪装置或负载电阻,以使PV组件在STC下工作在最大功率点附近。 Procedure 程序

The PV module under test shall be mounted sunny-side-up onto the black painted platform in

accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. If the instructions offer more than

one option, the option providing the worst-case thermal conditions shall be used. If no

indications have been provided for spacing, the test PV module shall be mounted horizontally

and directly flat on the platform without spacing.


The black painted side of the wooden platform shall face the test sample and the platform

shall extend at least 60 cm beyond the PV module on all sides unless the PV module is

installed directly next to other PV modules of similar dimensions.


The PV module under test shall be connected to the resistive load or maximum power point

tracking device. 被试光伏组件应接最大功率点跟踪装置或负载电阻。

Throughout the test the following parameters shall be monitored:在整个实验过程中,应监测如下参数:

•  temperatures of PV module components and materials, as listed below;


•  environmental temperature;


•  irradiance;


•  wind speed.


The environmental temperature during the test may be in the range of 20 °C to 45 °C. The

irradiance during the test shall be between 700 W/m 2 and 1 000 W/m 2.

试验过程中,环境温度范围20 °C to 45 °C,辐照强度范围700 W/m 2 -1 000 W/m 2.

– 28 –  IEC 61730-2:2016 © IEC 2016

If the irradiance is other than 1 000 W/m2, take at least two measurements at other irradiance

levels (at least 80 W/mapart) and then make a quadratic extrapolation to determine the

corrected module temperature at 1 000 W/m2 irradiance.

如果辐照度不是1 000 W/m2,至少在其他两个辐照度下测量(至少相隔80 W /m2),然后做一个二次外推法,以确定校正在1000 W /米2辐照度组件温度。

It is permissible to reposition (track) the test platform to maintain a consistent irradiance level

throughout the test.


All data shall be taken at wind-speeds of less than 1 m/s.

所有数据的采集应在风速小于1 m/s.的条件下

Stabilised temperature data for each test location shall be collected. Thermal stability has

been attained when three successive averaged values, taken 5 min apart, indicate a change

in temperatures of less than ± 2 K. Averaged values in this context are calculated from the

readings taken over a 1 min interval.

应收集每个测试位置稳定的温度数据。获得热稳定性指三个连续的温度平均值小于±2 K,采集间隔5分钟,在此文中的平均值是计算的超过1分钟的时间间隔的读数。

The measured component temperatures (T OBS ) shall be normalised by the addition of the

difference between the 40 °C reference environmental temperature and the measured

environmental temperature (T ENV ) according to the formula:

通过增加标准环境温度(40°C)与实测环境温度(t env)差值使测量元件的温度(T OBS)恢复到标称温度,根据公式:TCON=T OBS + (40 °C- T ENV )

where T CON is the normalised temperature. TCON是标称温度。

If an unacceptable performance is encountered during the temperature test and the

performance is attributed to a test condition that although within the limits specified may be

considered more severe than necessary – for example an ambient temperature near the limits

allowed – the test may be conducted under conditions closer to the norm.


Typical component measurement points shall include:


•  PV module frontsheet above the centre cell, if non-glass (possible shading of cells by

temperature sensor shall be avoided as much as possible).


•  PV module backsheet below the centre cell.


•  Terminal enclosure interior surface.


•  Field wiring terminals.


•  Insulation of the field wiring leads.


•  External connector bodies (if applicable).


•  Bypass diode bodies (if applicable).


Due to the many possible variations in construction, more than one data gathering point for

each cited location may be used, at the discretion of the test laboratory.

由于结构的多样性, 每个测试部分可能使用多个数据采集点, 这由测试实验室自主判定。

10.15.3 Solar simulator method 太阳模拟器方法 Test apparatus测试装置

•  A continuous source sun simulator class BBC or better according to IEC 60904-9 shining

from top to the horizontally mounted test platform with an average irradiance of

1 000 W/m 2 in the area of testing (PV module area plus 20 cm surrounding the PV


  依据IEC60904-9的BBC等级稳态太阳模拟器或更好,光从上照射到测试平面,测试平面为光伏组件四边延长20cm,平均辐照强度为1 000 W/m2

•  Reference cell to measure the irradiance in the test plane.


•  Cold sky to avoid heat from the light source influencing the test results.


•  A black painted test platform parallel to the light source which has sufficient mechanical

strength to avoid warping under temperature influence.


•  Means for mounting the test PV module directly flat to the test platform.



IEC 61730-2:2016 © IEC 2016  – 29 –

•  A handheld anemometer to ensure a wind speed during the test of

wind speed will be close to 0 m/s during the test.

   一个手持式风速计,确保测试过程中风速小于;一般情况下,测试过程中风速接近0 m/s

•  An air temperature sensor, with a time constant equal to, or less than, that of the PV

module, installed in a shaded enclosure with good ventilation. The sensor shall be placed

left or right of the platform so that no thermal interference can occur.



•  A temperature monitoring system capable of measuring PV module component

temperatures with an accuracy of ± 2 K.

   一种可测量PV组件的温度监测系统,温度精度为±2 K

•  A data acquisition system capable of recording the parameters within an interval of no

more than 5 s.


•  Maximum power point tracking device or a resistive load sized such that at STC the PV

module operates near the maximum power point.

最大功率点跟踪装置或负载电阻,以使PV组件在STC下工作在最大功率点附近。 Procedure

The PV module under test shall be mounted sunny-side-up onto the black painted platform in

accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. If the instructions offer more than

one option, the option providing the worst-case thermal conditions shall be used. If no

indications have been provided for spacing, the test PV module shall be mounted horizontally

and directly flat to the platform without spacing.


The black painted test area shall face the test sample and the platform shall extend at least

60 cm beyond the PV module on all sides unless the PV module is installed directly next to

other PV modules of similar dimensions. 木制平板涂黑色漆一面应面向试件并且平板的四边应比光伏组件延长至少60厘米以上,除非光伏组件直接安装在其他类似尺寸的光伏组件旁边。

The PV module under test shall be connected to the resistive load or maximum power point

tracking device. 被试光伏组件应接最大功率点跟踪装置或负载电阻。

Throughout the test the following parameters shall be monitored:在整个实验过程中,应监测如下参数:

•  temperatures of PV module components and materials, as listed below;


•  environmental temperature;


•  irradiance;


•  wind speed, if required (during the test the wind speed is typically close to 0 m/s).

   风速,如果需要(一般情况下,测试过程中风速接近0 m/s)

The air temperature during the test shall be maintained within ± 3 K (the cold sky will ensure

that the air in the simulator test room is not heating up).

测试过程中,环境温度应维持在± 3 K内(冷天空将确保模拟器试验箱内空气温度不会被加热)

Stabilised temperature data for each test location shall be collected. Thermal stability has

been attained when three successive averaged values, taken 5 min apart, indicate a change

in temperatures of less than ± 2 K. Averaged values in this context are calculated from the

readings taken over a 5 min interval.

应收集每个测试位置稳定的温度数据。获得热稳定性指三个连续的温度平均值小于±2 K,采集间隔5分钟,在此文中的平均值是计算的超过5分钟的时间间隔的读数。

The measured component temperatures (T OBS ) shall be normalised by the addition of the

difference between the 40 °C reference environmental temperature and the measured

environmental temperature (T ENV ) according to the formula:

通过增加标准环境温度(40°C)与实测环境温度(t env)差值使测量元件的温度(T OBS)恢复到标称温度,根据公式:TCON=T OBS + (40 °C- T ENV )

where T CON is the normalised temperature. TCON是标称温度。

If an unacceptable performance is encountered during the temperature test and the

performance is attributed to a test condition that although within the limits specified may be

considered more severe than necessary – for example an ambient temperature near the limits

allowed – the test may be conducted under conditions closer to the norm.


Typical component measurement points shall include:


•  PV module frontsheet above the centre cell, if non-glass (possible shading of cells by

temperature sensor shall be avoided as much as possible).


•  PV module backsheet below the centre cell.


•  Terminal enclosure interior surface.


•  Field wiring terminals.


•  Insulation of the field wiring leads.


•  External connector bodies (if applicable).


•  Bypass diode bodies (if applicable).


Due to the many possible variations in construction, more than one data gathering point for

each cited location may be used, at the discretion of the test laboratory.

由于结构的多样性, 每个测试部分可能使用多个数据采集点, 这由测试实验室自主判定。

10.15.4 Pass criteria 通过标准

The pass criteria are as follows: 通过标准如下:

a) No measured temperatures exceed any of the applicable temperature limits (e.g.

TI/RTE/RTI) of surfaces, materials, or components. Thermal material requirements are

given in 5.5 of IEC 61730-1:2016.

  测量的温度没有超过任何表面,材料或部件适用的温度极限(如TI/RTE/RTI),散热材料要求依据5.5 of IEC 61730-1:2016

b) No visual defects as defined in MST 01.

  依据MST 01.,没有可视的缺陷

c) MST 16, MST 17 shall meet the same requirements as for the initial measurements.

IEC 61730-1 requires reporting of the maximum measured operating temperature as

determined by this test method.

  MST 16, MST 17要满足相同的最初测量要求。IEC 61730-1要求记录又测量方法决定的最大测量工作温度。

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